Parking Lot Striping in Orlando, FL
Parking lot striping is simply painting your parking lot to keep it visible and orderly. It also adds beauty to your building and makes it appears neat and tidy.
Why Is Parking Lot Striping Important?Regardless of whether you own a private or public parking lot, they exist for the same general purpose. A parking lot is included with stores or any other building for that matter and must be appealing to you and your customers. When you stripe your parking lot, it creates orderliness in which people can park their cars before getting their businesses done in your facility. This helps to prevent clumsiness thereby preventing unnecessary collisions and promotes the safety of everyone walking through your parking lot.
Benefits of Parking Lot StripingAre you wondering what benefits there are to striping your parking lot? Look no further.
Parking Space DimensionsIn an attempt to maximize parking lot spaces, it becomes a necessity to know the required space dimensions within your parking lot. Having a beautiful parking lot is never enough if the space allocated is not accommodating, orderly, and perfect for parking. Parking spaces must be at least 9 feet wide and 18 feet long, which leaves room for an abundance of parking spaces in most lots.